I failed 2 freaking subjects!!!! The ones i dislike most..
Geo and Sejarah.. STUPID!! Methodist Sentul came out so damn bloody hard!!
My class 14 ppl failed geografi out of 18, and 10 failed sejarah.
Ishh.. First time i failed.. >< walao.. las time din fail one leh..
Now fail den fail 2 subjects ar.. GILA !!! i hate exams !!!! i hate it ! i hate it! i hate it!!
crazy ass exams.. kanasai!
Other subjects still ok lar.. I think O.o Haiyo..
Just finish exam den during november 10 and 11 i gotta go methodist sentul to take the entrance exam ==' Dun reli wanna go there..
Too strict for me.. I go there sure whole day kena detention for nearly everything i do..
Ishh.. >< we even need to wear the SKUL SOCKS over there!! who the hell cares bout wad socks you wear..??!!!
Im gonna break rules if i get in there!! haha!! I dont give a damn anyway XD
(If i even can get in la.. haha.. which is impossible) ^.^
50 students are taking the exam..and oni got 1 fuckin place!! SIao!! Dun need to go liao lo.. Wasting time, money and i cant be lazy !!
Need to pay 150 bucks for the entrance exam weih!!
So much money for a shitty exam ><
I've counted and they could earn bout approx... 10-20k?
Zz.. Lolz.. wad ever la.. Anyway.. going to pausen's hse tmr!! WEE~! cant wait to bully dat never fail a subject ass hole!! xD HAHA!!
got nothin to do...
Cute right?!!